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Volume III (2015)
Policy and Law
Rus’, Lithuania and Yatvyag’s Land in the Early Middle Ages 10–20
Mykola Kotlyar
Lithuanian-Horde Relations in the 1350–1370-ies in the Context of Italian Politics of Mamay 21–30
Oksana Gospodarenko
Vytautas – Tokhtamysh. The History of Political Alliance Late 14th Century 31–43
Borys Cherkas
Power in Polotsk in the 14th and the First Half of the 15th Century. From the History of Relations between the Center and Regions in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 44–79
Sergey Polekhov
Rotundus Against Orihovski: Discussion 1564/1566 of the Liberty and Slavery in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 79–87
Dmytro Vyrskyi
«U prava moviti i spravedlivosti dovoditi»: the Institute of Protection in the 1560–1570-ies int the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 88–117
Andrii Blanutsa
The Policy of Poland Against Moldova at the Beggining of the 17th Century 116–127
Valentin Konstantinov
The Attitude of the Lithuanian Elite to Deploying of the National Liberation Struggle in Ukraine in the First Part of 1648: Formulation of the Problem 126–134
Oleksandr Yuga
Ukrainian Hetmanate and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the Military-Political Confrontation 1651: Loyevska Second Battle 135–159
Andrii Hurbyk
Between Moscow and Warsaw: Vincent Corwin-Hosyevskiy as Image of Lithuania Elite under Russian-Polish War of 1654–1667 160–168
Volodymyr Hazin
Reception of Lithuanian Statute in Hetmanate’s Cossack Court in the late 1680-ies – early 1760-ies.: Modernization or Defending «Old Ways»? 169–190
Vasyl Kononenko
Social and Economical Relations
The Local Coins-Imitations of the Second Half of the 14th Century on the Lithuanian-Tatars Border Territory 191–203
Kostyantyn Khromov, Iryna Khromova
Zvynyhorodskyy District in Lithuanian Time 204–237
Petro Kulakovskyi
Cossack Troops in Chechersk and Propoisk Castles in 1562–1573 (Enlisted Personnel and Maintenance) 238–260
Aleksandr Dounar
Ad fontes
The Medieval Lithuania and Lithuanians in the Opinion of Hungarian Acts of the 14th Century 261–273
Myroslav Voloshchuk
235/20 Court Records Book of the Luthuanian Metrica: Archeografical and Source Study Analysis 274–289
Dmytro Vashchuk
The Story about Podolia: Relationships between the Copies of the First Redaction and Authenticity of an Account of the Prince Konstantin Koriatovich 290–312
Aleg Litskevich
«Naznachene spravets mytnykh na vsikh komorakh u Velikom knyazstve Litovskom. To jest sprava mytnaya»: the Customs Reform Provided by the Queen Bona in 1536 in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (Diplomatic and Source Study Analysis) 313–331
Larysa Zherebtsova
The Legal Regulation of Economic Issues in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Modern Ukrainian Historiography 332–348
Oleg Diachok
Military Operations in 1648-1649s on the Territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in M. Kostonarov’s Evaluation 349–356
Volodymyr Verstiuk
The Battle of Loyiv, 1649, in Coverage by V. Lypynsky 357–371
Sergii Kalutskyі
Українська держава другої половини XVII–XVIII ст.: політика, суспільство, культура. К.: Інститут історії України НАН України, 2014. 671 с. 389–391
Andrii Blanutsa
Дрогобицький краєзнавчий збірник / ред. кол. Л. Тимошенко (голов. ред.), Л. Винар, Л. Войтович, Г. Гмітерек та ін. Вип. ХVII–XVIII. Дрогобич: Коло, 2014. 642 с. 392–394
Dmytro Vashchuk, Olexandr Yuga