Reception of Lithuanian Statute in Hetmanate’s Cossack Court in the late 1680-ies – early 1760-ies.: Modernization or Defending «Old Ways»?

Vasyl Kononenko
Candidate of Historical Sciences (Ph.D. in History), Researcher,
Institute of History of Ukraine of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine, Kyiv),
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Until the Union of Lublin of 1569 the territory of Hetmanate belonged to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Lithuanian statutes (1529, 1566) were the law for the population of all regions of the Duchy. Although after the Union of 1569 Ukrainian lands became the part of the Polish Crown, but Lithuanian Statute continued to function in the former provinces of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Moreover, the Third Lithuanian Statute (1588) was accepted in the Polish Crown. The result of the beginning of the Ukrainian revolution in 1648 was formation of Hetmanate – the first and the largest autonomous region, which have been separated from Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. During the first years of Ukrainian autonomy the Lithuanian Statute was not used in Cossack Court. However the reign of Ivan Samoilovich (1672–1687) and Ivan Mazepa (1687–1709) was the beginning of usage of the Lithuanian Statute in the Cossack court.

The aforementioned demonstrates that topic of this article is an actual scientific problem of the East-Central European Early Modern history. This investigation is dedicated to the reception of the Lithuanian Statute in Hetmanate’s Cossack court during the late 1680-ies to the early 1760-ies. The article verifies the existing hypothesis that the Ukrainian revolution of 1648 became the denial of the Rzeczpospolita «Ancien Régime» (including Lithuanian Statute), but after several years there was a gradual return to the old social system. It is stated that historical sources during Ivan Samoilovich’s and Ivan Mazepa’s reign can testify the tendency of usage of the Lithuanian Statute in regulation of relations in the Ukrainian society. It is shown that in historical sources the reign of Ivan Skoropads’ky, Pavlo Polubotok, Danylo Apostol and Kyrylo Rozumovs’ky was the evidence that «the Little Russian law» was not only a tradition, but a legal system, based on the Lithuanian Statute. Moreover, during successful reception of Lithuanian statute the traditional Cossack rights were transformed into «Little Russian law».

It is proved that although the Lithuanian Statute was an element of «old ways», but its reception brought about modern changes in the Hetmanate society. It is stated that appeal to the Statute by Cossack officers to shape the basis for realizing moderate modernization of court by Ukrainian administration; the acceptation of the Lithuanian Statute by imperial government in 1764 became a part of radical reforms in Hetmanate too.



Lithuanian Statute, reception, Hetman, modernization, «staryzna».



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