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Volume II (2013)
Policy and Law
The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Yatvyg’s land on pages of the Galytsko-Volynsky chronicle of the 13th century 10–20
Mykola Kotlyar
Olgierd’s reign in Vitebsk 21–38
Vasilii Voronin
The role of southern Ruthenia in the political plans of the Grand Duke Vytautas 39–47
Lidia Korchak
Between Vilnius and Kiev: the Lithuanian grandees at the head of the Kiev land in the 15th – at the beginning of the 16th century 48–60
Rymvidas Petrauskas
The Grand Lithuanian dukes’ title: where is the place of the «rus’» tradition? 61–81
Aleh Dziarnovich
The role of knyaz Kostyantyn Ostrogsky in organizing the defense of the southern borders of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the first half of the 16th century 82–95
Petro Kulakovskyi
The legal Institute of the «trace persecution» in the «kop» legal proceedings on the Ukrainian lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 96–111
Andrii Hurbyk
Baltic influence upon the North-West Belarusian dialects grammar 112–120
Vera Astreika
The space of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania on the Radziwill map prepared by Tomasz Makowski in 1613 in the context of cartographic and descriptive content 121–152
Jaroslav Luchynskyi
Revolt of 1648 in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: problem of the typology (debatable notes) 153–161
Valerii Stepankov
The Lithuanian factor in military-political opposition between Poland and the Moscow state in 1654–1667 162–176
Volodymyr Hazin
The Lithuanian Statutes in the Podol’sk province in the first half of the 19th century: tribute of tradition or legal rudiments? 177–192
Anatolii Filiniuk, Andrii Zadorozhniuk
Social and Economical Relations
To history of everyday life of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (the Institute of the «old times» on the materials of the 32-nd Books of inscriptions of the Lithuanian Metrica) 193–208
Dmytro Vashchuk
Some aspects of the Customs service’s practical work on the lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 209–227
Larysa Zherebtsova
Ad fontes
Koshkoldeys-Basanski: Documents to the History of the Kiev’s Families (the last quarter of the 16th century) 228–242
Andrii Blanutsa
The Research of the Lithuanian Statutes by the Modern Ukrainian legalists 243–262
Oleh Diachok
On some problems of Political history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in light of current historiographical trends 263–272
Vitalii Vasylenko
Бохан Ю. М. Ваяры Грунвальдскай бітвы. Мінск: Беларусь, 2010. 222 с. 277–286
Andrii Fedoruk
Сословия, институты и государственная власть в России (средние века и раннее новое время): сб. ст. памяти акад. Л. В. Черепнина. М.: Языки славянских культур, 2010. 992 с. 287–291
Vladyslav Berkowskyi