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Volume I (2009)
Editorial 9–10
Policy and Law
Interpretation of a Judicial District («Okolytsia») in the Public Legal Proceedings in the Ukrainian Lands as a Part of Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) 11–33
Andrii Hurbyk
Keeping and Using of Institute «the old» in Pre-Statute Period in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (by the Example of Zemstvo Service) 34–42
Dmytro Vashchuk
Brest (Bieraście) Region (Paviet) Before and After Reform 1565–1566: To History of Administrative and Territorial Divisions in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 43–53
Aleh Dziarnovich
Some Aspect of Security Deposit Law’s Norms Realization (in the First Years of the Second Lithuanian Statute Functioning) 54–66
Liriya Steponavichene
Fight for Nevel' at the End of the Distemper (Smuta) 67–88
Aleksandr Malov
The Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the Political Plans of Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1648 – the First Part of 1649) 89–96
Valerii Stepankov
Bohdan Khmelnytsky and Extradition Question of Impostor Timofey Ankudinov to Moscow Government (1650) 97–105
Perrie Maureen
The Lithuanian’s elite between Sweden, Moscow State, Poland and Cossack’s Ukraine in the Middle of 50s of XVII c. 106–120
Volodymyr Hazin
Social-economical relations
Kamianets-Podilskyi is the Political-Administrative, Defensible, Town-Building and Economic Center of Podillia Region in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (60–90’ss of XIV c.) 121–133
Mykola Petrov
Kazimir Jagiellonian’s Land Investitures on the Ukrainian Lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania by the Lithuanian Metrica 134–143
Andrii Blanutsa
The Structure of Customs-House System of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the end of XV – middle of XVI cc. 144–162
Larysa Zherebtsova
To the Question of Export Goods from Volyn’ in the XV – first part of XVII cc. Trade by Was and Livestock 163–175
Vladyslav Berkovskii
The Law of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Ukrainian Lands Inside one on the Pages of Ukrainian Juridical Editions (1991–2007) 176–196
Oleg Diachok
Myron Korduba’s Reflection about Time and Place Creation Ukrainian «Narodnost’» 197–215
Nataliya Yusova
Метрикіана в Білорусі. METRICIANA. Даследаванні і матэрыялы Метрыкі Вялікага княства Літовскага. Мінськ: ATHENAEUM, 2001. Т. І. 186 с.; 2003. Т. ІІ. 236 с.; 2004. Т. ІІІ. 298 с. 216–219
Andrii Blanutsa
Font Marta. Árpád-házi királyok és Rurikida fejedelmek. Szeged, 2005. 330 l. (Фонт Марта. Королі династії Арпадів та князі Рюриковичі). Сегед, 2005. 330 с.) 220–223
Myroslav Voloshchuk