The Local Coins-Imitations of the Second Half of the 14th Century on the Lithuanian-Tatars Border Territory

Kostiantyn Khromov
Independed researcher, numismatist, member of Oriental Numismatic Society (UK-based international),
Central Asia Numismatic Institute (Cambridge, United Kingdom),
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Iryna Khromova
Candidate of Historical Sciences (Ph.D. in History), Researcher,
Institute of History of Ukraine of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine, Kyiv),
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To attention of readers offered some questions, which is faced each research­er towards the studying economic model of existence Lithuanian-Tatar bordered territories in the second half of the 14th century – the reasons of appearance imitations of Jochid’s coins and identify stages of transformation them in the local editions.

The coinage of regular local imitations of Jochid’s coins was a logical con­sequence of contemporary economic development conditions and characteris­tics of its cash flow. The very first requirement that these coins were intended to and their main purpose – is the saturation of the regional markets fine silver small change, because copper Jochid’s coin local market wasn’t perceive. This small silver coin had to serve small local commercial operations (retail, small wholesale). As an example, this function is performed «Kiev imitation» by coins of Janibek-khan.

The process of converting local imitations in complete local coins is a logi­cal series of phased changes in the regional economy, which was coinage, and, naturally, political changes. All these stages of changes are manifested in the ap­proaches to the design of coins. In this paper, we proposed to consider a scheme with 6 stages, which is confirmed on concrete examples:

  1. Coinage imitations, more or less accurately reproducing the original with the addition or modify certain elements of decor and style of legends.
  2. Transformation legends into the symbols, that is difficult to recognize.
  3. Singling out of certain elements from legend (often – patterns, less often – some letters or compositions) as the central images on the coin place.
  4. Transformation of certain elements of legend into the heraldic signs, which was familiar to Carvers.
  5. Visual selection of these signs into an independent element of the image, which is occupies a central place at one of the coin’s sides.
  6. Addition to this signs/central element a Cyrillic legend, and finally, the transformation of imitation into complete local coin.



Numismatics, coin, imitations, design of coins, Jochi Ulus, «Kiev imitation», Janibek-khan.



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