To the History of Everyday Life of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (the Iinstitute of the «Old Times» on the Materials of the 32-nd Book of Inscriptions of the Lithuanian Metrica)

Dmytro Vashchuk
Candidate of Historical Sciences (Ph.D. in History), Senior Research Fellow,
Institute of History of Ukraine of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine, Kyiv),
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In article on materials of the 32-nd Book of inscriptions of the Lithuanian Metrica functioning of institute of the «old times» [«starina»] in an everyday life of inhabitants of the Grand duchy of lithuania is analyzed.

The peculiarities of functioning of institute of «old times» in an everyday life of inhabitants of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (henceforce – GDL) are analyzed in article. Discussions in a modern historiography concerning degree of conservatism of policy of the government of GDL in the annexed territories became the precondition of this research. Documents of the

 32-nd Book of inscriptions of the Lithuanian Metrica became an object of the scientific analysis in this publication. As a result of research, action of institute of «old times» of the GDL was revealed in such spheres, as administrative regulation (arrangement of borders of lands), economic life (implementation of audits, a customs and tax policy, and serving of duties), the solution of property questions, legal relations in jurisprudence. The analysis of sources testified inherence of a factor of «old times» for an everyday life of the GDL. This institute was actively used both the authorities, and society for protection of their interests. Thus it should be noted frequent use for designation of this phenomenon the following synonymic row: «custom», «age-old custom», «custom of the right».



Everyday life, institute of the «old times», Lithuanian Metrica.



Российский государственный архив древних актов [Russian State Archive of Early Acts].



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