Baltic Influence Upon the North-West Belarusian Dialects Grammar

Vera Astreika
Candidate of Philological Sciences (Ph.D. in Philology),
Head of the Humanities Department, Graduate School of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Belarus, Minsk),
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The article analyzes a number of grammatical features typical for the North-West dialect zone of the Belarusian language. These peculiarities are interpreted as a possible result of Slavic-Baltic contacts in the region. Some phenomena can be explained as a Baltic (mainly (great) Lithuanian) substratum in North-West Belarusian dialects. The factor of areal neighborhood has to be taken into consideration too. A lot of the appropriate lingual facts are in restricted and inconsistent use. However, it is possible to be said about more or less significant (now or/and before) tendencies of regional lingual development. That comes in support of forming the singular North-West Belarusian regiolect (= the regionally marked variety of a dialect language).



Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Belarusian language, Balt influence, northwest dialect zone.



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