Historiographical Version and Interpretation of Pereyaslav Land history in the Second Half of the 13th  – the First Half of the 16th Century

Andriі Blanutsa
Candidate of Historical Sciences (Ph.D. in History),
Senior Research Fellow, Institute of History of Ukraine of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine, Kyiv),
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/ul2019.05.097

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The history of the Pereyaslav principality during the Kyivan Rus' period was fruitfully and thoroughly studied in the past and is being researched now by historians and archaeologists. The nearness of this historic land to the Kyiv gave rise to the attention of the Kyivan dukes, who elevated their sons in the Pereyaslav. And this, on the other hand, did not stimulate the creation of the local princely dynasty. And shortly (at the time of the struggle of the empires of the Golden Horde and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania for the Rus’ lands and heritage) the absence of the local princely dynasty did not contribute to the preservation of a separate political and administrative unit. Since then, the Pereyaslav land had become a part of Kyiv land and, in this regard, is being studied by scientists. If a lot of archaeological and chronicle sources from the Rus’ times preserved, but in the subsequent period, from the time of Pereyaslav land entry into the Golden Horde Empire (1240), their representativeness decreases sharply. In this regard, more problematic for historians was the "Lithuanian age" in the history of Pereyaslav land because of the minimal preservation of sources, both archaeological and written. Consequently, our research will allow answering several issues that remain unclear in the historiography of Pereyaslav land in the Tatar and Lithuanian times (second half of the 13. century – 1560ies). The main task is to study in what forms lasted life on the territory of Pereyaslav land, because of the absence of the comprehensive study on this topic.

The object of the research. This study deal with the political and social and economic history of Pereyaslav Land in the second half of the 13. century – 1560-ies years.

The subject of the study consists in an attempt to analyze sources and facts concerning the matter, that Pereyaslav Land since the Mongol conquest has continued to exist within the new territorial unit of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – Kyiv Land.

Therefore, the article aims to study issues concerning the continuation of Pereyaslav Land's political and social and economic history in the second half of the 13. century – 1560-ies.

To achieve the tasks set out in the work, we turned to the historical methods of analysis and synthesis, the empirical method, comparative analysis, and documentary analysis. The latter one is actively used during working with sources of Lithuanian metrica.



Pereyaslav Land, Pereyaslav Principality, the Golden Horde, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, historiography, historical artefacts.



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