Karaul in the Historical Sources 15th–16th Centuries

Olga Biletska
Candidate of Historical Sciences (Ph.D. in History), teacher,
school of Osychky (Ukraine, Savran district Odessa region),
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/ul2019.05.028

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The research deals with the study of settlement Karaul, dated from 15th–16th centuries. It was found, the scientists had identified Karavul in different ways. V. Antonovich, M. Grushevsky, F. Petrun, M. Kazak localized it near the modern village Rashkovo (Raşkovo) Kamenka district Pridnestrovia Republic. The second group of scientists (Ph. Brun, O. Radzikhovskaya) considered Karaul was near the mouth of the Dniester River. The Polish scientist K. Ozhug saw Karaul near the mouth of the Dnieper and Ukrainian scientist F. Shabuldo suggested seeing of two Karaulas. The first settlement was between Zvenigorod and Sokilts, and the other one was near Chernigorod and Dashev.

The article is based on the written sources. There were involved a narrative source (Jan Dlugosz’s chronicle) and ten documentary sources (1410, undated [between 1411 and 1430], 1432, 1442, 1447, 1459, 1469, 1514, 1545 and 1581). The author concluded the data about two different settlements were remained in these sources. Both Karauls were on the Dnister River. The first Karaul was situated on the lands of modern village Katerynivka (near contemporary v. Rashkovo). The name of the forest Kalaur near v.Raszkovo is a rudimentary fact. In author’s opinion, the name of the settlement Karaul can be traced back in the five sources: "Karaulski" (in 1410), "Karawol" (1411), "Karawol" (1447), "Kalaur" (1545), "Kalavur" (1581). By the way, there were some villages with the name Rashkovo. In particular, it is known village Rashkovo on the other (right bank) side of the Dniester River (now it is village Vadul-Rashkov Sholdanesht district Moldova).

Another Karaul was located in the mouth of the Dniester River, on the left bank. It should be found on the bank of the Gulf of Karagvol, perhaps now it is village Nadlymanske Odessa region. Probably, the names of this settlement are recorded in the next documents: "Mayak [Karawull]" (in the list of Swidigail’s castles, 1432 (?), "castra nostra Carawl super Dniestr fluvio" (in the award of Polish king Vladislav Varnenchyk to Theodorik Buchatsky, 1442), “Strożowy hrod” (Khan's yarliks, 1461), "Carawl" ("Buchatsky's Division", 1469), "Kural" (Khan's yarliks, 1514), "Karaol" ("Register and Additions to the Acts of the Bar’s Starostwo", 1564).

The author suggests that both settlements Karaul appeared in the Golden Horde time. Sources indicate both Karauls were castles and they were located in the strategically important places, on the way from Moldova Principality to the Tatar’s territories. Perhaps, there were the fords across the Dniester Rivers and the customs houses. It was eassy to identify and locate the upper castle Karaul. However, it cannot be said of the lower castle. That’s why the question of identification and localization of the lower Karaul remains open. The first Karaul (it was transformed into v. Kalaur 16th century) was in the possession of hermits of Andriy Sudymuntovych. In the 16th century it was Chechel’s family. Over time, the settlement changed its name and we can see "Rashkowo" on the G.L. de Boplan’s map (the middle of 17th century).

The other castle Karaul was in the possession of the Buchatsky-Yazlovets’ family. It was located at the mouth of the Dniester River, at the bank of the Gulf of Karagvol, near modern v. Mayaky Odessa region, because in the sources these toponyms (Mayak and Karaul) meet alongside. The etymology of the word "Karaul" is probably Turkic, and perhaps it means "guard", "watchman", "protection". There are other versions of the origin of this name (includingthis word means "fortress", or "something black").



Karaul, Podolia (Podillia), North Black Sea Region, the historical geography of Ukraine of the 15th–16th centuries, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Polish Kingdom, Royal privileges, Khan jarlig (yarlyk), Podolian castles.



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