"The Kaptur Courts" (kapturovi sudy) by Petro Sosenko: History of one Studying Case During the Great Turn Times

Svitlana Blashchuk
Candidate of Historical Sciences (Ph.D. in History),
Researcher, Institute of History of Ukraine of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine, Kyiv),
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/ul2019.05.121

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In historiographical studies are useful not only published academic papers, but planned and not completed indeed researches projects too, as well as lost works of historians. As for the later point, we have no approximate statistical information, despite some attempt to generalize these information are made periodically.

Based on the logics of historical development of Ukraine in XX century, one can conclude, that the most amount of the lost researching projects accrue to 1920th and 1930th. It was the period of the totalitarian regime consolidation, following the control of Communist Party over academic researches and repressions against the academicians.

Searching, finding and renewal of the lost projects are important for the contemporary Ukrainian historiography. It allows the deeper comprehension of the situation with scholarly researches during the first three decades of XX centuries, as well as the condition of the Ukrainian society of that time. In particular, the newly found texts can impact the advancement of researching and can point towards methodology and trends of further investigations or even can outline the primary sources depository that was completely perished during the Soviet period.

The article considers the scholarly investigations of the kaptur courts by Petro Sosenko. The Commission for the Study of the History of Western-Ruthenian and Ukrainian Law (functioning in 1920th and being chaired by Mykola Vasylenko) paid the attention to the evidently insufficient state of the mentioned subject researches on the basis of materials of Ukrainian territories of the Early Modern Period. They tasked a new post graduate student Petro Sosenko with investigation of this subject. He belonged to the circle of returned migrants and entered the post graduate study after the order of the People’s Commissariat of education of Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic. He had got experience of academic work and academic management before his migration to the Soviet Union, he was editor in chief of the Lviv almanac "Science and Literature", and he wrote at least one article on the history of Ukrainian Law.

P. Sosenko used sizable primary sources base for his post graduate studying. He was the first person who had exceptional chance to investigate the whole array of the historic acts of Kyiv Central Archive of Ancient Acts. His work "Origin of Kaptur Courts and Their Development at Right-Bank Ukraine in the 16th Century" is lost now. Neither his manuscript nor the text prepared for publication in "The Proceedings of the Commission for the Study of the History of Western-Ruthenian and Ukrainian Law " survived, any more than a special monograph. The study was prepared and even defended, rather with some problems. It’s publication as a single issue or as an article in an academic collected works/periodical was disturbed by the policy of terror and repressions. But a typing of the promotional report points/thesis by P. Sosenko survived, which he made at the a meeting of the Commission for the Study of the History of Western-Ruthenian and Ukrainian Law in January, 4, 1930. These points/thesis was found in the Mykola Vasylenko's personal fonds being held in the Manuscript Institute of the V. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. They are published in the present article.



Kaptur court, interregnum, academic paper, history of law, the lost paper, the Commission for the Study of the History of Western-Ruthenian and Ukrainian Law.



Інститут рукопису Національної бібліотеки України ім. В. І. Вернадського [Manuscript Institute of the V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine].
Центральний державний архів громадських об’єднань України [Central State Archives of Public Organizations of Ukraine].
Центральний державний архів-музей літератури і мистецтва України [Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine].



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