Coinage Genesis in the Context of the Political Autonomy on the Lithuanian-Horde Border Lands (the Second Half of the 14th – the First Half of the 15th Century)

Kostiantyn Khromov
Independed researcher, numismatist, member of Oriental Numismatic Society
(UK-based international), Central Asia Numismatic Institute (Cambridge, United Kingdom),

Iryna Khromova
Candidate of Historical Sciences (Ph.D. in History), Researcher,
Institute of History of Ukraine of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine, Kyiv),


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The article is represented genesis of the coinage on the lands of the Lithuanian-Horde borderlands. Juchi coin system which had been fixed on the territories of Lower Dnieper region, gave impulse to the restoration for local coinage both in Rus’ principalities and the south-eastern part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. At the initial stage it became an example in the technological, iconographic and economic aspects of local land minters.

Changes in political conditions influenced mainly on the external characteristics of a specific monetary material, but its metrological indicators (weight and fineness) remained practically unchanged. The explanation lies in the main purpose of a local coin issuing. It was in meeting the needs of the local market (for ordinary emissions) or emergency filling of the local treasury (military money, etc.). Traditional weight standards served as a pass for a coin into the money market. However the possibility of local minting was caused by the fact of a certain autonomy as well as the right to coin regalia. The termination of the local coins (original or imitation) minting often meant a legal loss of economic and political independence.



Numismatics, coinage, mint, metrology, weight, miskal, dang, groshen, money market, Grand Duchi of Lithuania, Ulus Juchi, border lands.



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