«Naznachene spravets mytnykh na vsikh komorakh u Velikom knyazstveLitovskom. To jest sprava mytnaya»: the Customs Reform Providedby the Queen Bona in 1536 in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (Diplomatic and Source Study Analysis)
Larysa Zherebtsova
Candidate of Historical Sciences (Ph.D. in History), Аssociate Professor,
Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University (Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk),
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/ul2015.03.313
The article provided the diplomatic and source study analysis of the document which examined features of the customs reform which is carried out by the queen Bona. The reform was aimed at the centralization of customs administration, and also its release from influence of private persons (mainly, Jews). In 1536 the queen Bona received in termless management the customs duties in all territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania accept Volyn’ on a new conditions. These conditions defined a new way of management of the customs duties – management through the entrusted people. In practice it was carried out by appointment to the customs new administrators, who received a payment for their work. Management of the queen Bona lasted ten years.
The main difference between ways of management consisted in: when the rent end the customs officer gave to treasury only the sum determined in the contract, but during management all money came to treasury. System of managements allowed controlling the income from the customs duties more accurately.
The document – «Naznachene spravets mytnykh na vsikh komorakh u Velikom knyazstve Litovskom. To jest sprava mytnaya» is of interest in several aspects: 1) the heading of the document testifies about providing of the new way of the customs duties management, other than rent; 2) it has unique and uncharacteristic for the majority of documents of the Lithuanian Metrics structure; 3) it is, actually, only document which contains fully conditions of the customs duties management.
The carried-out diplomatic analysis revealed that the document has atypical structure and consists of two parts, which possess elements of the individual form. Existence of two independent parts complicates definition of a type of the document.
One part is [ustava], which contain general information about new customs and persons which they headed – [mytnye spravtsy]. Second part is a diploma addressed to the customs officers in Polotsk customs region. Diploma contains information concerning customs officers judicial status and practical collection of duties. Both parts are integrated by the dating at the end of the whole socument – 8, November 1536.
Lack of transition between parts and likeness of their contents gives the grounds to define a type of this document as [ustava] with addition in the form of the diploma addressed to Polotsk customs officers.
Customs reform, queen Bona, customs duties, management, Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
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