The Siversk Region’ Coinage of the 2-nd half of XIV Century

Iryna Khromova
Candidate of Historical Sciences (Ph.D. in History), Researcher,
Institute of History of Ukraine of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine, Kyiv),
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Studiing of coinage of the Siversk region’ is one of the topical issues of medieval numismatics in Ukraine. Some researchers notes, that the coin-imitation of Guyas ad-Din silver dangs is the most common of all the tradition of local imitation in the territory of the Dnipro region. They were widely distributed on the territory of the western part of the Ulus (Mamay’s Ulus) and the border areas between the Golden Horde, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the autonomous principalities of North-Eastern Rus.

Now, there are known for several tens of specimens of several types and their coinage researchers attribute to the territory of Novhorod-Siversk and Bryansk principalities, and chronologically referred to the 1370-1380.

The imitation of Guyas ad-Din’ dangs in later emissions contained special princely signs. So they are represented the original Siversk principality’ coinage, that belongs to the emission of Dmytro-Koribut Olgerdovich.

Typically Siversk’ imitation can be divided into two distinct groups: a) Siversk’ imitations, related to the beginning of the Dmytro-Koribut Olgerdovich’s coinage and the further autonomic emissions with the prince’s sign in the form of a branching cross; b) an mitations with cyrillic legends. Some of these types contain the name of Dmytro Olgerdovich (senior) and coined on the territory of the Bryansk Principality, which were included the Chernihiv-Siversk’ lands. All the findings combine the technology of production – cutting out from metal plates.

The source base of the Siversk princely coinage, which findings are localized in the territory of the Dnipro region, today is still not wide. The article provides information on new discoveries of coin mintage.



Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Novhorod-Siversk, numismatics, princely coinage.



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